Bad poetry.

~ Poetry ~

A Call to Arms (collection): Download.

This collection of poetry, written as practice material by myself, includes the poems listed below. In addition, exclusive to A Call to Arms, I have added my own thoughts throughout the title, along with included cover art on the .mobi and .epub files.

  1. A Call to Arms.
  2. Balance.
  3. Beast.
  4. Ethereal Strife.
  5. Reflections.
  6. Tempest.
  7. The Few.
  8. This Fire.
  9. Vindicta.

~ Licensing ~

These works are under a Non-Commercial, No-Derivs Creative Commons License. Should you choose to share or post these works on other websites or social feeds than my own, you must provide attribution in some form (A working link to my website or just naming the author is just fine,) of the original creator (myself). Let’s face it; I’m not charging anyone a single cent to read these, all I ask is a simple bit of recognition for my efforts.