A Call to Arms.

A call shall sound to all
To the young and brave
From every house and hall
So that they can tempt fate


To arms brother, for this day
We have a home to defend
They say we have a kingdom to save
But you have a babe to tend


To my sister, I give my shield
While we may be away
I entrust it to you to wield
To defend from the wolf’s bay


To my parents, I give my promise
To return home in the end
So no long night of solace
Shall be around your bend


To my son, I lend my hand
For when the bell ceases its toll
I shall guide you to be a man
And to see you grow old


To my enemy, I give my sword
Be you on our fields of your will
Or sent of leaders to join the horde
By my strength, you’ll find only ill


Oh to the hills, I hear the bell
It is time for us to learn to harm
For in this hour, we send to hell
As we answer our call to arms!

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